Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Gratitude: saying thank you as a spiritual discipline

Say thank you.
In public.
In private.
When it's unexpected. (Read this wonderful story about how one person said thank you as a spiritual discipline with amazing results.)
Here are ways to practice and recognize the power of giving thanks:
Option 1: Say a sincere thank you to someone each day this week. That means you have to be aware, notice the gift and say thank you.
Option 2: Send one thank you card a week for the next 3 weeks for things you appreciated but forgot to say thank you for.
Option 3: Spend some time and collect notes for your own Wow folder. Review them before you do your gratitude journal.
Option 4: Create a thank you, you are welcoming, grateful place to be:
--keep a drawer or folder or box that contains your gratitude journal, a pen,
--your Wow folder: the thank you notes or emails that you have received in appreciation or for good work,
--and a supply of stamps and blank thank you notes or cards that you can send to others.

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