Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Gratitude: count your blessings

Another way of looking at gratitude is to count your blessings. As I started to look at gratitude, I created a summer worship service that looked at blessings from several religious traditions, in scripture, song, and story. The Jewish tradition of looking for a hundred blessings a day makes the gratitude journal list of five seem short, but what a wonderful mindfulness exercise it is! Check out the links at the bottom of the service.

For those of you who know that counting is part of my "day" job, I call your attention to the importance of counting blessings as well as other things in this reflection.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Unfortunately, the links to my sermons and services on AOL hometown no longer work because AOL shut down this service and I haven't had time to put this material back up. :-{