Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Forgiveness: awareness and practices

Ways to Practice
Before going to sleep, consciously let go of the hurts and angers of the day. Regard each evening as the beginning of a new day. This could be the bookend to starting the day with gratitude.

Face your most recent experience of when forgiveness did not happen. Can you find forgiveness by walking in the shoes of the other person? Are you willing to speak truthfully and patiently about your personal conflicts?

Write a letter to someone whom you are working to forgive. You don't have to mail it, but spell out what it is you can't forgive and how it affects you.

Write a letter asking for forgiveness. You might not be able to mail it, but the writing all by itself will be powerful.

Try the practices of t'shuvah: make amends, repent and apologize, and figure out how not to do that again.

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